Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Success is in the eye of the beholder

Yesterday was my dinning room and living room day. In all honesty, I did not finish them, but I did wipe all of the walls, windows and baseboards with green clean and warm water. This took longer than I had expected. But, wow was it worth it! I didn't think my walls and whatnots were that dirty, but when I was done, the water was black and so was the white rag that I had started with! Now I could look at this as a failure over the past year, but I choose to see the success in the now clean walls! Just depends on how you look at things. I also did not complete the rooms yesterday, but I got a very good start and will be working on them today.

I am not able to get a ton done today as I got the emergency call from the sister saying that she needed someone to watch my 2 year old nephew. Now being a kindergarten teacher, you can probably guess that I love kids, so I jumped at the chance! He is napping now and as soon as I am done here, I am going to finsih these last two rooms. Tomorrow moving on to zone 1, the front porch and dinning room (hey I thought the dinning room was in zone 5... oh well, looks like I am still on track!) Go me! Just looked up the zones and I had all the numbers wrong, but whatever, that is so NOT the important thing. For anyone who is wondering though...
zone 1 Entrance, porch, dinning room
zone 2 Kitchen
zone 3 The bathroom and one other room (I do the laundry room at this time)
zone 4 Master bedroom
zone 5 Living room

My words of wisdom (not that I am all knowing or anything) from today... look for where you did succeed and not at where you didn't. If you can look for the positives, life is just so MUCH happier! Plus, we have our first follower... didn't think ANYONE would follow, but yea!

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