Thursday, December 30, 2010

Don't forget the break!!!

So yesterday I hit a wall... i kinda forgot that I had not left the house since Sunday morning and it suddenly got to me. I was miserable! Well my wonderful husband and I decided that it was time then to go spend our Lowe's gift card from Chirstmas on curtains for our bedroom. We had a blast picking them out and then went to the chinese buffet for dinner. I felt so much better and lesson learned... LEAVE the house even when you are in full-on clean the house mode!

Today I started again refreshed! I hit our bedroom... that is one scarey place. I felt so overwhelmed when I first got in there. There were piles of "stuff" in every corner and I did not know where to start. I decided to grab a trash bag and a box. Bag to toss and the box to donate. I then plopped myself in the corner right by the door and started stifting through the piles. I found so many things from our wedding in there it was unreal. We got married in July and after all the fuss, there is all this STUFF left over. I found the markers from the sign mat (now how many purple thin sharpies does one person need? Not four,) ribbon (which I am giving to a coworker who is a big crafter,) the old programs (these were hard for me to part with as my husband designed them, but after much thought I decided to pop two in my memory box and toss the rest,) picture frames (we got like 20 as gifts between the two showers and the actual wedding day so I saved about 5 that I know we will use and decided to donate the rest,) and more of this and that. I worked my way around the room like this and then hit the closet. Oh my! I have all of these awesome sweaters that have the wide necks (cow necks) and they just do not stay on the hangers. Well I must of had about 15 that had fallen to the floor and I never picked up. So, I picked up each one and decided wheather it should be kept or not and slowly put them away. Then to the flat surfaces. Now I have a problem with flat surfaces... I cover them almost instantly. I went through all of them and cleaned them with my green clean and the reorganized them in a much more meaningful way. My plan is to do this every Saturday from now on. In hopes that with a once a week run over they will remain clean and orderly.

When all was said and done, I had two bags of trash and a box of items to donate. I also had a beautiful room that is all ready for my husband to hang our brand new curtains in! I feel good about it:-)

Today's lesson.... don't forget the breaks! No matter how hard you are working, nonstop work will end in misary. I quick break and run out of the hosue will fix it and you will accomplish more!

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